
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pre Race Jitters

I am having some major pre-race jitters.

I ran a slow mile at the track to test out my game plan. It was wonderful. The fog had settled on the ground, but it was not too cold. It was so wet, I like to run in the rain more and more. At some point you begin to feel like a creature of the rain like the water is a part of you.

 I ran without my mp3 player and brand new digital watch and found it harder to get in the zone. Usually I just look at my phone when I start and when I finish. I don't constantly look at my watch.

My nerves are really getting to me. Why did I enter this race? Why couldn't I have done my first half marathon by myself. Why did I need to make it a competitive event?????? Aye. Well I guess the only way to do this is to dive in head first.

Summary 1 mile
40 minutes of yoga

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